Court House

Flash Fiction #09:

By the year 1949, H J Kania had amassed a sum of 20 lakhs while being in public service. On his thirtieth birthday party, he was pointed the index for being in possession of disproportionate assets. Charge sheets were filed and a shackle was used. Young Kania was taken to the then recently formed Supreme Court on 28 January 1950 for its first case. A Bench of three heard the plea, and have been hearing for the past 66 years.

The well-oiled machinery of the Supreme Court had been excellent in perpetually procrastinating Kania’s judgement over the years, as the man, at his bungalow, first passed onto his son, and then his grandson, the secret of gathering Gandhi notes.

However, in the year 2017, the reason for this unexpected movement being in light only to the Almighty, the Bench pronounced a sound judgement of 4 terrible years on the weak head of Kania and a hefty sum of 2 lakhs as fine. Kania, on a wheelchair, was rolled into a rusted cell. On the same evening, his great-grandson, a young man of unconventional appearance, came jumping into the cabin of the warden waving a wad of folded papers.

H J Kania was bailed out to celebrate his 97th birthday.

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